Sunday, January 13, 2013

November in Review - Part 1

Mo-vember:  All Month

Brandon participated in a Men's Health Awareness Event called Mo-vember.  Guys across the country start out with a clean-shaven face and grow mustaches in November, in part to spark conversations and awareness about Men's Heath issues and the other part, I think, just because they can.  

Brandon started out clean-shaven on November the 1st, but we were getting portraits made on the 6th, so he waited until then to trim out the mustache.  Here's a sort of "before" pic though.....with a little stubble.

More pics of Mo-vember to come through this post and the next.....

Thursday, November 1, 2012: Skype with the Parentals 

Well, it finally parents joined this century and got smart phones!!  I spent two and a half hours skyping with them teaching them how to use the phones.  It was interesting....and only slightly maddening.  :)

Weekend of November 2-4, 2012:  B's Birthday in C-ville

Although we had already celebrated with my parents, we traveled to C-ville for the weekend and celebrated Brandon's birthday with his parents.  His momma always makes him a pumpkin pie.

We played lots of dominoes that weekend!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012: Election Day?  No, Professional Pictures Day!

We got professional pictures taken.  One reason was to use them in Christmas cards and the other was because it's my hope to get portraits made each year to see the progression of our family over the years.  

Here's a few of our faves from the photo shoot:

My friend, Andrea, at work is also a photographer for Digital Real and she took them for us. 

After the shoot, we went to one of our favorite places (Qdoba) for dinner.  We got the same exact burritos and the burrito-maker marked them "His & Hers!"  Too cute!!

Mo-vember Update, Day 7:

After having our professional pics made, Brandon trimmed out his "Fu-Manchu" style mustache.

Monday & Tuesday, November 12-13, 2012: Kid Visit!

My brother, Brad, and his two oldest kids, The Tank & Goose, came to visit!  Brad was attending a conference in Lex, so they stayed overnight with us.

We drank hot chocolate.....

.....and played lots of games like Uno Attack, Monopoly and Atari.  I was able to take off work while they were there, so that was fun!!

The kids slept on a pallet in the floor and Brad slept on the couch.

They were only in for about 24 hours, but we had a great time and it was so fun having them all here!

Mo-vember Update, Day 14:

He not only trimmed out a Fu-manchu, but he left some "lamb chops" too!

Thursday, November 15, 2012:  T-giving at Hubby's Work

Brandon organized a Thanksgiving lunch for his group at work and spouses were invited.  here he is in his office.

Brandon really got into organizing the lunch, reserving tables and renting tables cloths to make it special.  I helped by punching out leaves in different falls colors to sprinkle on the table (I have a scrapbook leaf punch).

It was a great turn out!!

So much so, that we even had an overflow table (we referred to it as the kids table).
Brandon's coworkers were all surprised at his efforts and thanked him for putting it all together.

Friday, November 16, 2012: UK Basketball Game

I was able to get tickets through work at the last minute to attend the UK game against Lafayette.

It was a blow-out game, but we had a blast getting to go to it!

I was able to pick out, from across the floor, my friend and former coworker, Richard, and his wife Lisa.  They attend ALL the games!
Richard used to be an avid reader of my blog, but I'm not sure if he is now or not.....Richard - do you still read this??  I was stalking you!!!  My phone had no service at Rupp and I knew they'd never let me down into those fancy seats you sit in, so I didn't get to say hi, but I'm blogging about you!!!!  Email me if you see this!!!  :)

Well, that's part 1 of November - part 2 coming soon!!


Jennifer said...

seriously! yall are too precious!! I love your professional pictures especially the one of yall on the bench. and you guys playing dominoes. shut the front door.
tell your husband that his facial hair is impressive and that he totally scored cool points with me. cause i know he cares....
love you friend!!

Mel said...

Aww, thanks Jenn!!

Brandon says thanks too!! :)

Maybe one day us and our husbands can get together.

Love you back friend!