Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Long Weekend

Friday March 2, we had quite a day - Tornado Warnings were everywhere and the sky was just about black!  Brandon was released from work early and after unplugging all the electrical stuff at our apartment, we hunkered down in a friend's basement until things blew over.  Luckily, nothing came all that close to Lex, but several areas within a few hours of us were completely demolished.

After waiting out the warnings, we loaded up for an over-night in the Ville with my parents.

Saturday morning (March 3), we all participated in a 5K race.  Dad & Brandon ran the race (finished in about 30 minutes) and Mom & I walked (finished in about 52 minutes).

That afternoon, after the race, we had lunch at Qdoba and then almost all of us napped in the Living Room.  We also played some Hand & Foot...then Brandon and I headed home later in the evening.

Sunday (March 4), Brandon and I attended the KY Crafted Market Expo and saw some really neat pieces of art.  We didn't purchase anything, but had fun "booth"/window-shopping.

Monday (March 5) we woke to 5 inches of snow!  Only in KY can you have tornadoes blow through and three days later have 5 inches of snow on the ground!

Brandon played Hookie and took a Snow Day with me.....

He even cooked me breakfast!

One big reason Brandon took the day off is because I would be starting work the next day and he wanted to spend my last day off together.

That's right - after almost a year of unemployment....I'm now employed!

It's a 60 day contract position for now (with the likelihood of it turning into a regular, full-time position) with an architectural firm about 5 miles from our place.  With the tornadoes that came through, they needed someone immediately and luckily I had just sent them my resume a couple weeks before.  With a quick check of my references, they hired me sight unseen - not even an interview!  So, needless to say, it was really crazy to have a job to go to within a matter of a couple days and without having met anyone at the firm, but I'm thankful the Lord has provided for us in this way.  It's been a hard transition from being at home all the time, but it's getting easier as the days pass.


Emily said...

Congrats on the job, Melanie! I'm sure that will be quite the transition, but I pray that it will turn into the best situation for your family in the end.

Shannon said...

Looking forward to hearing more about the new job. Praying for you during the transition.

Mel said...

Thank you both - for the congrats & the prayers! I've always enjoyed adventure, so this is just a new one to experience! :) Each day brings more peace and contentment.