Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy New Year!!

So, I know it's the last day of February, and I'm a little behind on my posting, but I still wanted to get a Happy New Year Post in!  We had a great New Years!  Brandon and I drove to Owensboro to celebrate with my bestie, Alisha, her hubby, Scott, and their wee one, LC. (Full name not disclosed to protect the cute!)

You may remember Lish from my previous post about her yummy cakes.  Her bakery will hopefully open this year.  In the mean time, she's loving staying at home with LC and I love eating her icing when I come in town.
I promise I wasn't pinching him - I think he was just over getting his picture made - or having me hold him!  He eventually warmed up to both though. 
Isn't he so cute!?!?!?!  Look at those little teeth coming in. 
One thing I love about visiting Scott and Alisha, is that it's such a relaxing time.  We just spend good quality time together - hanging out, laughing, and reminiscing.

We also played lots of Guitar Hero (among other Wii games)
Lots and lots....of Guitar Hero.
Once midnight rolled around, we tuned in to watch the ball drop
 I thought this year's ball was very pretty
 It's 2011!!! 
 The start of another year together.
 Scott is very excited - can you tell?
The next morning we hung out some more and played with LC.  I love this picture of Lish and the bebe.
This look cracks me up!
 I could kiss those cheeks right off!!!
 Baby's First New Year - so glad we got to be there for that little milestone. 
 I was *right* in his face with the camera all weekend
 We even did a '7 Month' photo shoot.  Scott and Lish do these each month.  It was fun to be a part of!
What a fun New Years!

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