Sunday, July 20, 2008

Late Night

I can't sleep tonight. I figured this would happen since I actually got in a nap this afternoon. Plus, I managed to set off the alarm system on my house at about 10pm so I think that got my adrenaline pumping. I read for a while which usually makes me sleepy, but nothing seems to be working tonight. On top of it all there have been some pretty loud thunderstorms roll through and now there are tornado warnings to the northwest of us and the storms are moving southeast, so I'm wondering if they are heading towards us? So, here I sit. Watching the news and enjoying the night-time hours. I'm a night-owl so this doesn't bother me all that much except for the fact that I have to leave for work at 6:30 every morning so late nights really cost me when the week gets here. I worked all weekend on various things around the house....touching up paint, installing closet rods, weeding flower beds, etc...trying to ready my house for sale. I was hoping to have a sign in the front yard by the end of today, but I am almost positive it will be tomorrow. I have some cleaning to do and then I have to take pictures around the house and make up a flier to put out with the sign. I will add some photos to the blog so if anyone out there wants to pass along the info they can (and I would be very appreciative). Well, I guess that's enough rambling for one night. Although I'm still not any sleepier, I feel like this post is going no where, so no use wasting anyone's time writing about until I have something more interesting to write about, good night and sweet dreams. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I shall leave a comment :-) Yes the night owl moments do leave us pondering and rambling at times don't they?! I pray you indeed did fall asleep so that when your alarm sounded in the wee hours of the AM you weren't too surprised!