Monday, July 20, 2009

The 30 - Topic #2

30 Reasons it's Great to be Single
I'm trying to make myself feel better for being single at almost 30!
1. I control the remote
2. No in-laws to deal with
3. If I want to go somewhere, I just go. No checking with anybody else.
4. If I want to buy something, I buy it - with no worries that someone will be mad at how much money I've spent (careful though - this one can come back to bite the bank account if too much is spent!!)
5. My heart doesn't get broken (at least in essence)
6. If I put something somewhere, chances are, that's where it will be when I come back for it.
7. I get the whole entire bed to myself
8. I don't have to share my groceries
9. I can be extremely spontaneous
10. I can go anywhere God tells me to go....Honduras, Kiddo Camp or wherever!
11. I don't have to share my closet's all mine
12. If I want to take an unplanned weekend roadtrip, I simply set out for the open road
13. Three words - Make a Mess - I can make a mess and step over piles of laundry with no one to nag me.
14. I can sleep late and nobody bothers me
15. I get to be a great Aunt! (at least I'm hoping I am). I get to see my nieces and nephew on a fairly regular basis (even though we live a few hours apart).....I think they think I'm pretty cool....and I have the time to spend with them when we are together....if I had a husband/kids, I probably wouldn't get to see them as much.
16. I can eat cereal for dinner every night and not worry that I haven't actually cooked a meal in ages
17. My weekends are free to do as I choose - craft project, scrapbooking, visiting family, sleeping all day, working, volunteering - whatever it is, I get to choose!
18. I have my own personality - I am not half of a couple, I am wholly me. (This is not a jab at any couples out there or to say that couples are not whole without their mates)
19. I can barely keep up with my own schedule sometimes, much less a husband or kids!
20. If I change a dirty diaper, it's because I'm being nice to my brother and sister-in-law
21. I get the chance to really know myself - I get to see what I am really like without trying to be something someone wants me to be (not that I should ever do that in the first place, but it happens you know). I get to see what I really like and what makes me glad, mad, sad or whatever.
22. I get the chance to see what I really want in a husband....the older I get the more life I get to see.....I have seen good marriages and bad ones.....and it helps me to learn from the mistakes of others and really figure out what kind of character I want in a mate one day.
23. I get to spend a lot of time alone - while this may not sound very appealing to some, right now it's something that I tend to like. I really do enjoy spending time by myself...reading, being crafty, listening to music....I always did play well as a child by myself and I guess it has served me well into adulthood.
24. I am able to take advantage of many different opportunities.....I can max out my schedule as much as I would like
25. I control the car radio.....unless I'm riding with Andrea and she makes me listen to her choir practice tapes, when I'm driving I get to choose the music....maybe my friends are just too nice to argue with my selections?
26. If I have to stay late for work, I just stay and get my work done. I don't have to worry that I don't have dinner on the table at a certain time.
 27. I get to make big decisions all on my own (well, with the help of the Lord). I know this may sound weird, but I like the independence of making decisions without having to ask someone their opinion.....that's not to say I don't consult others more wise than me, just to say that ultimately, the decision is mine alone.
28. I don't have to pay the family rate for health insurance at work
29. I don't have to worry about anyone else right and marriage come with a whole bunch things to worry about and I don't have to deal with any of it!

And the top reason I am glad I'm single....drum roll please.......

30. I can toot in my sleep and no one is there to hear it! :) Just one to make you laugh!!! My apologies to anyone I've embarrassed.....I just try to be real on this blog.

Thanks for reading and no matter what stage of life you find yourself in, be sure to remember the blessings and not just the "curses." The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. Sometimes things that you don't even realize are blessings. Enjoy the stage of life you're in for now....good or bad....and may God grant you patience and contentment if you find yourself in a stage of life that wasn't part of your original plan.


Anonymous said...

Mel, Olivia and I just read your latest "30 reasons" and had so much fun reading them.

Love, Granny

Anonymous said...

PS On second thought, and after reading your 30 reasons again, I think I'm going to ask your Granpa for a divorce. :>)


Bekah said...

Haha, #30 made me literally laugh out loud!!