Sunday, February 17, 2013

Snowy Weekend at Home

The First weekend of February brought some really cold temps and lots of snow!

Things started on Thursday evening, January 30....

......and when we woke up Friday February 1, we realized our heat had gone out!  It was in the 50's already and dropping rapidly.

Luckily, since we rent, we just called our landlady and she sent her handyman right over (although due to some issues with her phone/email provider, she didn't get our messages for several hours!).  The heat was back up and running by about 4:00pm that day, but with a house full of cold furniture, it took quite a while for the overall temps to return to normal - but nothing that couldn't be combated with layers and a space heater.

The next day Saturday February 2, it snowed/sleeted all day long and amounted to quite a covering.  It was nice to stay in and drink coffee in our finally-warm home.

Brandon got his work-out in that day by shoveling not only our driveway, but all the sidewalks around our duplex as well - isn't he a Sweetie?

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