-Getting picky about food. When he first started solids (& the months that followed) he was an eating champ. He devoured food of all kinds. But lately he won't even put new foods in his mouth. Kinda frustrating...
-He likes to hold both monkeys (paci's), one in each hand, while nursing. He gets very upset if he doesn't have them both. It's so darn cute!
-Points at things in books & "reads"
-Loves standing at & looking out of the front windows. Happily beats on them with his hands. Loves watching for Daddy to come home.
-Having a hard time going down for his second nap. Jabbers, hollers, cries some, throws monkeys out, for over an hour at times before he'll finally go to sleep. This is hard on Momma.
-Started dropping the bedtime nursing session this month.
-Has started getting even more vocal, figuring out new things to say "deedurdeedurdee" over & over. Although his favorite words are still Uh-oh & Dada.
-Walking behind his little motorcycle & other "walking" toy, pushing & toddling. He loves walking & gets very upset when it's time to stop.
-Went on a nursing strike for a couple days due to teething.
-8th tooth came in
-Waved to Brandon on command.
-Nurses 3 times a day, eats solids 3 times. Favorites are oatmeal, cheese, strawberries, yogurt, Cheerios
-Starting to drop second nap occasionally, with the first nap becoming longer.
-Scrunches nose & smiles, being funny.
-Loves to give kisses (open mouth)
-Excitedly crawls over to close the pantry door when I open it
-Really wants to get the remote!
-Still LOVES books.
-Is & always has been such a happy, easy going baby.
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