Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Crazy Sleepy Kid

When Jedi gets sleepy.......he gets crazy....and falls down a lot.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Morning Snuggles

Each morning (or nap), when Jedi wakes up, he likes to snuggle and listen to songs that "Scout", his dog, plays. 

Scout lights up too as he sings and plays music.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend in C-ville

Jedi attended his second annual "Ham Days!"

We enjoyed a yummy country ham breakfast.

Ham Days is an event in a town near C-ville, where Mammaw & Pappaw (Brandon's parents) live.

B covered Jedi's ears during the parade of firetrucks driving by.

Pappaw made Jedi a new rocking chair -- he loves it!

Still working on getting out of chairs right though....

Brandon's cousin, Shannon, stopped by with her little one, S.  She and Jedi had fun stealing toys from each other

Playing with Mammaw (I think they could both do this non-stop!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Children's Garden

Jedi and I ventured to the Children's Garden at the Arboretum in town.  We met Anne & T there as well.

There's a really cool model train exhibit!!

Jedi got a kick out of watching the train go by.  They had Thomas & Percy in action that day.

Anne & T had fun cooling down in the creek.

Jedi cooled his feet too. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Car Entertainment

What?  You don't bark in the car to keep your kid entertained?

Midway Fall Festival

It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon & we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend it outside. Luckily there was a fall festival nearby. 

We ran into some family there -- my cousin, Katie, and her fiancé, Bryan.  

Bryan & Jedi are big buddies. Bryan is the Baby Whisperer & Jedi is enthralled by him!

With them were Katie's parents. My Uncle Roy & Aunt Sue.

Cousin Selfie!!

Creepy the Pooh came around and Jedi would have no part of him. 

Instead, he stuck with his buddy. 

Oh this kid melts my heart!!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Punk Rock Bath Time

He just needs some neon color in that hair!

This Kid

He's inventing new ways of *not* napping. Here, we see that he has untied about 4 bows & is removing the fabric rail cover on his crib. This is after he's already thrown both paci's overboard. 


Friday, September 18, 2015

Tupperware Cabinet

This is "his" cabinet. It's got all our plastic containers in it. Any time the gate to the kitchen is down, he makes a beeline for this cabinet and pulls everything out.

Sam's Club

Jedi is a trooper when it comes to shopping. As long as I keep the Cheerios coming, he's a happy guy. So, when we go to Sam's Club, I like to treat him with a pretzel. They were out of them this time, so we settled for cheese pizza instead. I think he likes it. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pitiful Little Guy

I think our little Jedi is cutting his first molar. He's running a fever & being all pitiful. Nurse Nana checked him out to make sure it was nothing more. 

Snuggling while we watch Mr. Rogers. 

I love how he messes with his little monkey tag while he watches Mr. Rogers.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Nana's Here!

My mom came in to visit & stay the night. We love having Nana here. She's a blast!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Momma/Jedi Date

Little Mister accompanied me to a local art fair while Brandon tackled yard work back home. As long as the Cheerios kept coming, he was happy to let me browse the booths. :-) 


Jedi won't go anywhere without these 2 monkeys. We've named them Fred & Flora.